How Did You Get Here, Mike?
I asked myself--what has turned out to be--a life-changing question, "How can I help more people sell more roofs?"
Fresh off chasing a beat-down of a hail storm in Oklahoma City in the summer of 2010 (barely breaking even), I remember plopping down in my home office chair back in Texas right around the holiday season.
I tried to imagine what it would be like to have a better life...
Honestly, things were tough that Christmas. It was easy to think of all the ways my life could be better, but I wasn't exactly sure how to make my life better.
One thing I did know was the more people I helped to solve their problems, the more my problems would eventually get solved.
I knew it was impossible to give without getting a return. God's universe won't allow it. I had total and complete trust in the law of seed time and harvest. When you plant apple seeds, you get apple trees.
I asked myself, "What can I plant that would return the right harvest for me?"
I registered the RoofingSalesman.com domain name and started writing articles about how to sell more roofs.
Almost immediately, people began emailing me with questions about selling roofs or more effectively running their roofing company. I wrote more articles based on those questions. In fact, that's how many of us first met.
Soon after, I started a Facebook page, which has turned out to be a popular daily destination for the roofing industry. That page is still active today.
And then came the newsletters. Some of you reading this right now remember those early editions. (I retired the old paid Platinum Newsletter in 2017.)
I still offer a valuable, no-cost subscription for salespeople called, "101 Sales Tips." You can subscribe to this newsletter below any of the articles on this website.
One morning, a few years after starting the website, I turned my iPhone around and shot a quick sales video while walking my daughter's dog.
The video wasn't fancy, far from it. There was no editing. Just a messed-up me looking into my phone's camera and talking directly to you about whatever was on my heart each morning.
Little did I know those videos were being watched by the marketing department at the GAF headquarters in Parsippany, NJ.
I remember taking GAF's phone call sitting at the same desk, in the same chair, where I had imagined the possibility of a better life only a few years earlier.
I asked GAF to only book me to travel and speak a maximum of twice a month because I hate being away from my family. They agreed. Before long, I was flying all over the country speaking at their events.
It wasn't long after traveling for GAF that roofing company owners wanted me to travel and help grow their roofing company with them.
My twice a month schedule filled up fast and has been steady ever since.
In 2019, I added the #QuantumSuccess consulting program to my RCO Growth Kit. Yes, it's expensive, but anything worth anything is expensive and my private clients get excellent results.
I now invest most of my time consulting my private clients, RCO Elite members, and Platinum Partners while keeping up with the Roofing Salesman and social media pages.
Narrowing my focus has been life-changing for me and my clients.
People still ask me if I knock door-to-door. The answer is "No, not unless one of my private clients wants me to take their sales team out knocking." We did that with the entire sales team at one of my private events and it was a lot of fun.
Bottom line here is it doesn't have to take a long time to get you where you want to go, but you do have to get started to get there.
If life can get better for me, and my clients, life can get better for you.
You don't have to stay in the struggle.
Imagine having the life you want.
You don't have to stay in the struggle.
Imagine having the life you want.
You can do it. I promise!
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